Pampered Post

What a week I have had! I apologize for missing all of my regular blog posts, that I hope you have become accustomed to seeing each week, but I was slammed with catering and party prep. Between a cake pop order, a catered dinner for 12 on Saturday and a Surprise Bastille Day themed 40th birthday bash for a dear friend I hardly had time to sleep, let alone find inspiration for blog posts. Oh add in the regular summer chores of the garden and trying to keep up with the volunteering at the local “for the community” garden we have recently been working with, harvests, canning, blanching a freezing of produce that waits for no one. To say I am tired, I think that could have remained unspoken. Please note, I am not complaining. I love this kind of tired, a tired from hard work with a successful finished product that I put forth is the best kind of tired.

When you are swamped with projects it is easy to push time for yourself to the back burner. Now that I have made it to the completed side of all these projects it is time to put myself and my care back to the forefront. Take a little me time to recuperate and recharge. What better way than with a little pampering. So, thanks to some AW-mazing homesteading bloggers I give you the “Pampered Post”. Links to posts for everything you need to nourish your body from the outside in, from start to finish.

Bath Time:

These Stress Away Bath Melts from The Toups Address look divine, lavender has long been known for it’s calming effects. Can you imagine soaking in a hot tub with one of these mixed in.

Face Time:

I have heard many a woman talk about this Oil Cleansing Method. It’s a pretty interesting idea that I have yet to dabble in due to the sensitive nature of my skin, that combined with the lovely psoriasis that plagues mainly my face just makes it difficult for me to find things that will work for me. This might be worth trying. Do you use the OCM for your facial cleansing?
Check out The Toups Address take on the Oil Cleansing Method

You can find more from The Toups Address on Facebook
and on their blog

With all the dirty work that comes with spring, catering and party prepping (I am a serious party prepper) sometimes a good scrub is what my skin cries out for. This Orange-Honey Facial Mask and Scrub from Five Little Homesteaders looks delish! Maybe make a 2 batches, one for your face and one for a snack. Relax, I’m joking (I think)

You can find more great DIY’s from Five Little Homesteaders on Facebook and of course at their Blog


Do you do the No-Shampoo thing? I tried it for a week and have mixed thoughts on the subject. Using baking soda and vinegar (separately and diluted) worked wonders on the scalp full of psoriasis but left my hair feeling less that soft and manageable. Learning and Yearning has this cool Shampoo Bar that, though more involved in making, may be a good alternative to the “No-Poo” (I really dislike that little term) conundrum.

While over at Learning and Yearning check out the post on Natural Skin Care, they cover homemade, natural deodorant, face creams, lotion bas, foot scrubs, and talk more about the OCM. A great recourse.

Want more from Learning and Yearning? Facebook and Blog

Lip Service

I LOVE lip balm. I have countless varieties floating about my house, car, purse. I have purchased all natural ones and I have found I love these the best, they tend to keep my lips moisturized far longer (like half the day) without out being overly greasy, heavy, or wrought with the stench, and taste, of chemicals. Seems I am not the only lover of lip balm. Such an assortment. I may have to make a batch each to add to my plethora of lip balm.

Green Eggs and Goats gives us 2 recipes to try with their DIY Lip Balm

Green Eggs and Goats
on Facebook and their Blog (Be sure to sign up for Beulah the Cows Mooooooosletter while you’re there.

The Toups Address has a recipe for Homemade Lip Balm that uses a bit more shea butter for increased softness

And Lastly, a nice girly one with the addition of a bit of natural color in this Homemade Tinted Lip Balm from Five Little Homesteaders. I just love what she came up with for the color.

Well there you have it! Thanks to the wonderful ladies at these Homesteads for their creativity and willingness to share.

Five Little Homesteaders
Green Eggs And Goats
Learning and Yearning
The Toups Address

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